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Emergency Light Testing

When was the last time you tested your emergency lighting?


Emergency light testing is one of the jobs that many businesses overlook and are unaware of their legal obligation to test it every six months under Australian Standards 2293.2.

Recently we have had 2 clients who have let it lapse due to changes of rolls and responsibilities and it has been allowed to lapse.  Once aware of their obligation they have now employed us to undertake the regulatory obligations stated in the Australian Standards 2293.2.  Australian Standard AS/NZS 2293.2:1995 states that Exit and Emergency lighting must be tested at intervals of between 6 (ideally) and 12 (no greater) months in accordance with Australian Standards 2293.2 emergency lighting systems are required to be certified periodically, by conducting a 90 minute battery power down (discharge) test.

Exit lighting is generally installed over doors, or is directional to help people locate the nearest exit. There are two main types of exit lights in buildings: One stays on all the time and other only comes on during power failure.

Best Practice lighting now provides the following services:


  • installation, repair and maintain all brands of emergency and exit lighting

  • Discharge test

  • Visual inspection

  • Testing for electrical supply

  • Revamping or expired tubes and lamps where posibble

  • Replacement of non compliant fittings

  • Log/record of fitting details and testing

For more information on these products please contact the office on 0409 858 947.

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